
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Improving Pronunciation

Let me introduce a very special guest blogger, Lisa Postles, my sister and an excellent speech and language pathologist. She offers guidance on how to improve your English pronunciation:

People who are working to improve their English conversation skills often want to improve their pronunciation skills as well. Pronunciation means to say the sounds of speech. Most people make errors on the vowel sounds and need extra practice with those. One such vowel is the long /e/ (ē) sound as in "feed" and "me." It is over used by many individuals who are learning English conversation. For example, the short /i/ (ī) sound as in "miss" is said with the /ē/. Here are 3 examples:

  • 1. Correct: I mīss my sister.
    Incorrect: I mēss my sister.

  • 2 Correct: I wīsh it would rain.
    Incorrect: I wēsh it would rain.

  • 3. Correct: I will bīd at the auction.
    Incorrect: I will bēd at the auction.

    Thank you to for giving me the opportunity to be a guest blogger.

    Lisa Postles, M.S, C.C.C,-SLP
    Speech/Language Pathologist
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