
Sunday, November 10, 2019

Snowbirds and Sunbirds

There is a Japanese proverb that says, "One kind word can warm three winter months,” but I think three winter months in Hawaii would have a more satisfying effect.

Are there certain times of year that you dread because you don’t like the weather? Maybe you dislike frigid cold temperatures, or you suffer from the stifling heat. Do you ever wish you could escape those uncomfortable temperatures for a couple of months? If so, then you're either a snowbird or a sunbird.

Snowbird is an infomral North American term for a northerner (usually one who is retired) who moves to a warmer state in the winter. On the other hand, a sunbird is a person who travels from a warm climate to a colder one in the summer. I’m not a fan of cold weather and my dream is to one day become a snowbird. What about you?

*Photo by Luke McKeown 

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