
Friday, November 6, 2020

The Benefits of Captions


Captions are the text that appear on videos, and they are a very powerful learning tool in many ways. (You can make captions appear by clicking the CC button on videos.)  

How can your English improve by using captions? According to, there are many ways: 

Listening: When you access the captions, it is easier to see what people are saying. This makes listening more fun and you can catch more words.

Pronunciation: As you read captions, you can see how words are stressed, linked together and reduced.

Reading: Have you ever heard that when parents read to their children, they develop better language skills? It is true for you too. Captions help you develop faster as a language learner.

Speaking: Perhaps the greatest benefit of captions is that you can try to say what you read. For example, read the captions out loud with the volume off. This is a fun way to see if you can speak at the same speed as the speakers in the videos.

Try reading the captions in this video featuring Cheryl, who describes the best things about Guam:

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