
Saturday, February 6, 2021

Add "-ly" to an adjective = adverb

Simple rule: adding -ly to an adjective makes an adverb.

An adverb gives us more information about a verb in a sentence. Adverbs describe when something happens, where something happens, how something happens, and how often something happens. 

WHEN: tomorrow, now, today, later, early, again, soon. Can you think of another?  
WHERE: here, there, inside, high, away, home, everywhere. Can you think of another? 
HOW: easily, loudly, quickly, angrily, well, sadly, slowly, carefully. Can you think of another?  
HOW OFTEN / FREQUENCY: usually, sometimes, daily, frequently, seldom, monthly. Can you think of another?  

We usually make adverbs by adding “ly” to the end of an adjective.
slow —> slowly
clear —> clearly

If a word ends in -y and has more than one syllable, we add “-ily”:
happy --> happily
bouncy --> bouncily
sturdy --> sturdily
easy --> easily
noisy —> noisily
If a word ends in -y and has only one syllable, then just add “-ly”:  
shy --> shyly
coy --> coyly

Be careful! Here are some common exceptions: well, good, fast, hard, late, early, daily, straight, wrong (less formal), wrongly (more formal)

Try to use adverbs to make your speaking and writing more detailed and fascinating. 

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