US Style: The Adirondack Chair

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Adirondack chairs are a popular type of outdoor furniture in the United States. They are known for their simple yet sturdy design, featuring wide armrests, a high back, and a slanted seat that makes them perfect for relaxing outdoors. But where did these iconic chairs come from?

The story of Adirondack chairs begins in the early 1900s in the Adirondack Mountains of New York. A man named Thomas Lee wanted to create a comfortable chair for his summer home. He wanted a chair that could be used on the uneven ground of the mountains. After trying out several designs with his family, he finally created a chair with wide armrests, a high back, and a slanted seat. This design became the first Adirondack chair.

Over the years, the design of Adirondack chairs has changed a little, but the basic features have remained the same. Today, you can find Adirondack chairs made from various materials like wood, plastic, and even metal. They come in many colors and styles, but they all maintain the classic look that Thomas Lee first created.

Adirondack chairs are more than just outdoor furniture. They have become a symbol of relaxation and enjoying the beauty of nature. Many people in the United States use them in their backyards, on their porches, and by the lakeside. The connection of these chairs to the US is strong, as they represent a love for the outdoors and the simple pleasures of life.

Whether you are enjoying a sunny day, reading a book, or chatting with friends, these chairs offer a perfect spot to relax and unwind.

Understanding the Verb "To Skip"

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Learning new verbs in English can be fun and useful! Today, let's look at the verb "to skip." This verb has a few meanings, but we will focus on one: "to pass over."

What Does "To Skip" Mean?

When we use "to skip" to mean "to pass over," we are talking about choosing not to do something

Examples of Skipping

Skipping a Meal: Sometimes, people skip breakfast if they are in a hurry. This means they do not eat breakfast.

Skipping a Class: If a student skips a class, they do not go to that class. Maybe they have something else to do or they just want a break.

Skipping a Chapter: When reading a book, you might skip a chapter if you are not interested in it. You move to the next chapter without reading the one you skipped.

Here are some simple sentences using "to skip":

  • I am not hungry, so I will skip lunch today.
  • She skipped the meeting because she was feeling sick.
  • They decided to skip the boring part of the movie.
Practicing new verbs helps you remember them better. Keep using "to skip" in your daily conversations, and soon it will become easy!

Trending Now: Smash Burgers

Sunday, May 12, 2024


Let’s explore one of the latest food trends everyone is talking about: smash burgers. These burgers are thin, crispy, and super tasty. 

What Are Smash Burgers?

Smash burgers are like regular burgers, but thinner and crispier. Instead of thick patties, they're made by pressing ground beef flat on a hot grill. This makes them crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside.

Why Are They Popular?

Delicious Taste: Smash burgers have a rich, savory flavor because they're cooked fast on high heat. This locks in the taste and gives them a yummy crust.

Quick Cooking: They cook in just a few minutes, perfect for when you're hungry and don't want to wait long.

Lots of Options: You can customize smash burgers with different toppings and sauces to make them your own.

Social Media Buzz: People love sharing pictures and reviews of smash burgers online, making them popular on platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

Nostalgia: Despite their contemporary popularity, smash burgers evoke a sense of nostalgia for simpler times. With their humble origins rooted in roadside diners and mom-and-pop burger joints, they offer a comforting taste of Americana that connects with people of all ages.

Final Thoughts

Smash burgers are a tasty and trendy option if you’re looking for a quick, flavorful meal. Whether you’re a foodie or just hungry, give them a try—they might just become your new favorite!

Exploring the Buzz: Two Meanings of the Word "Buzz"

Friday, April 5, 2024

Let's talk about a fun word with two different meanings: buzz. This word might sound simple, but it actually has two distinct uses. Let's explore them together!

The Sound Buzz:

When we talk about the sound "buzz," we mean a low, humming noise, like the sound a bee makes when it flies past your ear. It's a short, sharp sound that repeats quickly. You might hear a buzz from an insect, an electrical appliance, or even from a crowd of people chatting excitedly. For example:

  • I heard a buzz coming from the beehive.
  • The mosquito gave a loud buzz as it flew by my ear.
  • The fluorescent lights in the office made a constant buzz.

Excitement and Activity Buzz:

The second meaning of "buzz" describes a feeling of excitement or energy. When something is buzzing, it means there's a lot of activity and people are excited about it. It's like a lively atmosphere filled with anticipation. For instance:

  • There's a buzz in the air as people wait for the concert to start.
  • The city was buzzing with excitement during the festival.
  • There's been a lot of buzz about the new movie coming out.

So, as you can see, "buzz" can refer to both a sound and a feeling of excitement and activity. It's a versatile word that you can use in many different situations. Keep practicing, and soon you'll be buzzing with confidence using this word in your conversations!

Decoding Fashion Language: Clothes, Apparel, and Garments

Saturday, March 9, 2024


Imagine the popular clothing company, American Apparel, with "apparel" in its name. This name choice suggests something beyond just clothes, so let’s explore the differences between "clothes," "apparel," and “garments.”

Clothes: items worn to cover the body

From shirts and pants to dresses and jackets, “clothes” is a simple way to talk about everything in our closets.

Apparel: more than just clothes

Apparel means more than just clothes. It includes accessories like hats and scarves. When a company like American Apparel uses this word, it wants to say it's about more than just basic clothing—it's about everything you wear to express yourself. 

There are many different categories of apparel for our needs: sports apparel, business apparel, formal apparel, intimate apparel, children’s apparel, men’s apparel, women’s apparel, wedding apparel, etc.

Garment: a single piece of clothing

Garment is a more specific word. It means one piece of clothing, like a shirt or a dress.

Example sentences: 

  • I need to buy new clothes for my upcoming trip.
  • He wore comfortable sports apparel for his morning jog.
  • She carefully hung the newly washed garment in the closet.

The next time you put on your favorite piece of clothing or admire something well-made, remember these simple differences that make fashion words special.

Text Helper -- Make Your Own English Glossary

Tuesday, February 6, 2024


You can make a quick vocabulary list or glossary created from any text with a helpful tool called Text Helper. Test Helper is a feature on the Extensive Reading Central website ( and it works like this: 

When you open Text Helper, you first see a blank box into which you cut & paste your desired text. You then select the language, a level, then click "Get Meanings." 

Text Helper highlights the difficult words in your text on the left side of the page. On the right side of the page is your personally created vocabulary list with definitions for each highlighted word.

You decide the level of word difficulty (beginner, elementary, intermediate, advanced) and the program chooses the words in your text based on that level. Lower level difficulty results in more words (words used at a higher frequency); advanced difficulty words are less frequent because they are probably outside the knowledge of a typical student at that level. 

Text Helper saves a lot of time looking up words in the dictionary and it’s incredibly useful because it automatically creates word lists related to the text you choose.  Below is an example of an advanced level using a sample text from the book, A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson.

Sports Balls

Friday, January 5, 2024


I received the following question recently about what a ball is called in certain sports, like baseball, basketball, volleyball, and football: Do you say “baseball ball” when referring to the ball that is used to play baseball? 

This is a logical question and the answer is no, we do not say “baseball ball,” “basketball ball,” “football ball,” etc.  Typically the term "baseball" (for example) is used to refer to the ball used in the game of baseball. Thus, it’s common to simply say "baseball" when referring to the ball, without adding "ball" after it. The same goes for basketball, football, and other ball sports. In the game, it is just called “the ball.”

We use a baseball to play baseball, a basketball to play basketball, and a football to play football.