What do you do when you’ve accumulated items that you don't use anymore and want to get rid of (eliminate) them? Perhaps you’re moving or you need to downsize. Maybe you just have too much stuff. Do you throw your things away or give them away? One solution is to have a garage sale.
Summer weekends in the USA are prime time for garage sales (often called rummage sales) and whether you like looking at other people’s possessions or you need to eliminate your old things, garage sales are everywhere! My mom, an expert at organizing rummage sales, would often transform our garage into an informal shop to display our rejected things. She always made a lot of money too.
Advertisements invite any stranger to look around during specified days (usually a weekend) and hours and, amazingly, your trash instantly becomes someone else's treasure. If you have a good eye for a value or are skilled at repairs, you can find excellent bargains for little money. A successful way to attract many shoppers is to have several homes in your neighborhood hold a garage sale at the same time, like one-stop-shopping. Here’s an ad for this weekend that will surely gather a crowd:
HUGE 2 family rummage. Small kitchen appliances, beer/bar signs, furniture, holiday and home decor. Name brand clothing, sporting equiptment and TONS of electronics including TVs, computer accessories, cameras and gaming systems. EVERYTHING MUST GO, EVERYTHING IS NEGOTIABLE. WHATEVER DOESN’T SELL MAY BE GIVEN AWAY FREE ON SUNDAY.
I think I’ll go on Sunday.
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